Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Today i investigated all different types of Festivals. I look into the content of the festival and the target audience i also spoke about the artists aims or policy. I picked four festivals and looked into the funding of them from public sources, i also looked into and wrote about each festivals business sponsorships.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Today i have been arranging a date to beguine filming for my anti social behaviour advert. Due to a difficult situation i had to cancel the original time i had set to film. This has caused delays and hassle but i have learnt from this experience and now have a better understanding on re organising work and plans. Today i have also been planning some more poster designs, because of lack of equipment this has been a problem so drew my own poster designs.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Today I have been looking at and arranging the photos I took for my finale poster on campaign. After looking through the photos and putting text with them, i felt non of them gave the effectiveness i wanted to portray. I am now arranging for new photos to be taken, i have asked one of my friends to be the model in my photo and another to help me with the makeup i am going to use in the photo. I think i have made the right decision doing this, if after i have taken the photos i still don't think they are effective enough i will re consider using my old ones.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Over the past three weeks i have been exploring many new elements of campaign. Looking into the topic we have to cover of Anti Social Behaviour. I have also looked into what i want my finale anti social behaviour advert to be about, which will be drinking. I decided to choose drinking as after my discussion with PCO Michelle Truffle found out it was the most common offence of anti social behaviour. I have also been sketching and taking photographs for my campaign poster. After taking many photos in school for my campaign poster i decided i did not want to use any for my actual finale poster but they inspired me to have more of an idea on what photo i wanted to create and take. Today i finished of my finale story board for my campaign advert which is on anti social behaviour. This following week i will be filming and editing my advert which will be shown to a local Police officer, and today i have also created my script for my podcast which i decided to aim at an older audience to make people aware on how they should report any evidence of Anti social behaviour to prevent it from harming others in the future. In the half term i was also lucky enough to visit New York city as a part of the media course, the trip taught me a lot about the media world and i was able to see a much wider media selection of things than i have ever seen before. What i have enjoyed the most so far in Campaign is creating my poster as i am look forward to taking some photographs for it.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Today i explored different types of medias used in certain campaigns i also researched anti-social behaviour and looked at different opinions and comments on what it was and what people thought of it. After i had completed this task i had more knowledge on all different types of campaign which is going to help me with the rest of my unit on campaign. For the rest of the day me and my group added finishing touches to are power point presentation we did more research into are chosen campaign (swine flu) and added this to are scripts.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Project Record

On Tuesday the 5Th of October, i researched more into my chosen record project i also started putting together a two page A3 show of the a day i spend in Baldock recording. I took sketches and drew some pictures i also made notes on the weather conditions and more, another way i recorded was i took allot of pictures of some of the history of Baldock, street signs and landmarks.When i had put this all together i experienced another way in which i could record this was a podcast i enjoyed making a podcast with my partner but dismissed using it from my final project on knebworth house because i found it to difficult with the equipment given in the school and from doing allot of my previous unit on a computer I've learnt they are not very reliable. For the rest of this day i finished of work like mind maps and various other work.


Tuesday the 28Th of September, over the summer term i thought about and looked at what i wanted to do my next unit in the creative and media project on. I thought it was best if i did my project on something i enjoy something with a lot of history and something that holds a vary of different events and activities i researched into places within a close distance to me and come across Knebworth House. This had everything i was looking for i.e a lot of history, music events, films such as harry potter have been filmed here and amazing gardens and a lot more the reason in which i thought this is such a must to have is because i could then produce a scrap book or notebook or anything along them lines with a lot of different types of record in i hope to cover allot of different types of recording in my final finished scrap book on the record unit. i will be sketching, painting, taking professional photos, and doing some more methods of recording.
On the 28Th of September me and my diploma class took a trip around Letchworth visiting Letchworths finest museum and looking at allot of different ways to record this helped me and gave me great practice with helping with my final project